So Sweet! Ini 21 Ungkapan Romantis untuk Suami-Istri di Hari Valentine

Pasangan suami istri juga bisa merayakan hari Valentine dengan memberi ucapan-ucapan berbahasa Inggris ini-Foto/Pixabay/@Photo Mix---
JAKARTA, LINGGAUPOS.CO.ID - Hari Valentine atau Hari Kasih Sayang biasanya selalu dirayakan para pasangan setiap tanggal 14 Februari.
Nah kamu dan suami mungkin merayakannya, mungkin juga tidak. Tapi nggak ada salahnya memberikan ucapan spesial untuk sang suami tercinta di hari tersebut.
Ucapan penuh kasih sayang ini dijamin bisa membuat dirinya tersenyum, lho.
Hari Valentine masih menarik dirayakan bagi sepasang suami istri yang sudah menikah sebagai bentuk ketulusan kasih sayang dan cinta dan menghargai pasangan.
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Contohnya, suami dan istri merayakan Hari Valentine dengan saling bertukar ucapan, baik melalui kartu ucapan, chat pribadi ataupun status di media sosial.
Perlu diingat, memberikan ucapan kasih sayang memang dapat diberikan pada hari biasa, namun tepat pada tanggal 14 Februari akan menjadi sejarah Hari Valentine atau Hari Kasih Sayang yang spesial sebagai pasangan suami istri.
Daripada penasaran, berikut ini kumpulan ucapan Valentine untuk suami dan istri tercinta dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati, berdasarkan berbagai sumber.
21 Ucapan Valentine untuk Suami dan Istri Tercinta
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5 Ucapan Valentine untuk Suami Tercinta
1. I always thank God for blessing me with such an amazing husband like you. Thanks for being so loving and caring towards me. Happy Valentine’s Day.
2. Wishing my handsome husband a very happy valentine’s day. May God keep us together forever.
3. To my dearest husband, sending my warm wishes to you on this valentine’s day. Happy Valentine’s day.
4. Life is blissful and happy with a handsome and romantic husband like you. Happy Valentine’s day.
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5. Every day my love grows deeper and this Valentine’s, I love you more than the last year. Happy Valentine’s Day Husband.
5 Ucapan Valentine untuk Istri Tercinta
6. Happy Valentine’s day, to my sweet and beautiful wife. You are my one and only Valentine.
7. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my Wife! Nothing else matters to me more in comparison to you. As long as I live, my heart will always love you.
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8. Happy Valentine’s Day! Having you in my life and loving you have been a privilege!
9. Our home is a piece of heaven on earth. You’re my Goddes, my kids are angels, who have made it this peaceful. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!
10. I’m a blessed man because my Valentine is my wife. I love you.
11 Ucapan Valentine untuk Suami atau Istri Tercinta
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11. You are the only one who completes me and my love. Thank you for all your love, care and affection. Wishing a very Happy Valentine’s Day to you my love.
12. Nothing is more important and precious than you in my life. I love you forever. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!
13. Please grow old with me, the best moments are yet to come. Happy Valentine’s day
14. Your presence in my life makes me feel special and being wanted! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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15. You are my sunshine, I am your moon. When you shine, I become bright. So always shine on me, my love.
16. With your presence, you have changed everything in my life and made me a much happier and much better person. Warm greetings on Valentine’s Day to you.
17. My heart is a garden and the only thing it grows is love for you. I feel lucky every day because you’re in my life. Wishing you a happy valentine!
18. Happy Valentine Day to the most special person in my life. You are my love, my heart, and my joy.
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19. To my someone special, I wish a very Happy Valentine’s Day. May we are always together to celebrate this day together and create new memories.
20. The best and beautiful moments cannot be seen, they have to be felt. Let’s feel our love for each other. Happy Valentine’s day.
21. I’ll always cherish the special moments we’ve shared together this year. I can’t wait to make more happy memories together in the future.(*)
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