Makna dan Pesan Lagu You’re Losing Me Milik Taylor Swift, Rasa Kehilangan yang Mendalam

Kamis 30-11-2023,11:30 WIB
Reporter : M Raihan Putra
Editor : M Raihan Putra

Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light

Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time

Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?

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I'm getting tired even for a phoenix

Always risin' from the ashes

Mendin' all her gashes

You might just have dealt the final blow

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Stop, you're losin' me

Stop, you're losin' me

Stop, you're losin' me

I can't find a pulse

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My heart won't start anymore

For you

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